HELMS: To truly live, die to yourself and sin


"Biblical Demonology: A Study of Spiritual Forces at Work Today," by Merrill Unger, provides a rough translation of what we know about demons. 

When Satan was cast out of heaven, he drew a third of the angels with him. This is the origin of what we call demons. (Revelation 12:4). 

According to Jude (1:6), some of these demons were locked in chains, under darkness, until judgment. They started with a 2-1 ratio; then the rate of fallen angels to those not fallen went down further. 

We also know from other passages that, while they exist, their power is limited. For every demon, there are at least two or more angels outnumbering them. 

Why fear? They, and the devil himself, are just created beings. 

The devil or his horde can only be in one place at one time. Only God is omnipotent. His spirit seeks to find those willing to listen, while His word, the son of God, intercedes on our behalf. 

Yours or my biggest enemy is not the devil, but rather that individual looking back at us in the mirror. We devise ways to do things contrary to God's word. 

Paul stated that he had to die daily, to rid himself of pride, conceit, and seeking after things not worthy of praise. 

All the enemy of our soul can do is tempt us, and only within the scope of God's allowance. We have the choice to give in or not. When we realize that, then will we truly have victory over the sins that so easily beset us. 

The place to begin? Humbled before God, asking for forgiveness.  Repenting and turning away from sin.  To do this daily is Paul's meaning behind dying daily. 

To truly live, we must die to self and sin. Then the devil does not seem to be so strong and influential. 

It takes vigilance, but through Jesus the Christ and His blood, we can be forgiven and given the victory. 

Live victoriously from this day forward.  I dare you. 

The Rev. Richard Helms serves at Miracle Acres Ministries, 3187 E. James Lee Blvd., in Crestview.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: HELMS: To truly live, die to yourself and sin