Renowned authors join Crestview church's discussion series on gay Christians

The Rev. Michael Precht, pastor of the First United Methodist Church of Crestview, begins a three-part discussion series next week on “what the gospel means for gay and lesbian Christians.” Joining him are authors (from top) Alan Chambers, Justin Lee and Eve Tushnet.

CRESTVIEW — Starting next week, a local pastor will launch a discussion series that might make some members of his flock — and the community — squirm.

But that’s OK with the Rev. Michael Precht, of the First United Methodist Church of Crestview, whose three-part series, “Fearless Conversation," focuses on “what the gospel means for gay and lesbian Christians.”

“I have discovered an undercurrent of fear whenever the conversation turns to sexuality, and especially toward the church’s ministry with gay and lesbian people,” Precht stated in an announcement of the series.

“I hope we provide a model of what it looks like for people to share their thoughts on a topic that is in the news but rarely talked about in the church,” Precht said. “We want to have conversations that keep pointing toward Jesus and use love as the method.”

Beginning Jan. 28, three authors will join Precht for the discussions in a question-and-answer format:

●Alan Chambers, former president of Exodus International — the world's largest “ex-gay” ministry until it closed in 2013 — will join Precht on the Crossroads Center stage for the first discussion. 

●Justin Lee, author of “Torn: Rescuing the Gospel from the Gays-vs.-Christians Debate,” joins Precht Feb. 9.

●Eve Tushnet, an adult convert to Christianity who writes for the American Conservative and the Spiritual Friendship movement, and tells her story in the book “Gay and Catholic,” is slated for Feb. 11.

“I think they bring three very particular perspectives,” Precht said. “… I do not always agree with them, nor they with each other, but they always make me think, and pray."

Precht said his congregation's reaction has been varied.

“Some are thrilled, some have deep reservations, and some are cautiously supportive if it (the series) is done in the right format," he said.

The community needs to have this discussion in a changing world, Precht has said, referring to the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to legalize gay marriage. But he said he understands such discussions can be uncomfortable.

“Many people are afraid that they cannot speak for the position of the church without being perceived as bigots,” he stated. “They have seen bullies; they know stories like Matthew Shepard’s; they have heard Jerry Falwell and Westboro Baptist blame homosexuals for everything from hurricanes to combat deaths, and they want no part of that.”

Conversely, “Many others are afraid that their friends will treat them as a danger to the church if they question our church’s position." The Methodist Church prohibits same-sex marriage, a stance Precht said is unlikely to change.

“My goal for these conversations is that we become a church that can listen and speak to each other,” Precht said. “I hope that we can share our disagreements, and seek God together, without raising our hands against one another.”

If the series is a success, Precht said he foresees possible discussions on topics such as Christianity in literature and culture.

“This is not preaching," he said. "This is not us on Sunday morning. This is how we engage the community outside of worship.”

What: “Fearless Conversations," interviews and discussions by the Rev. Michael Precht with nationally known authors on “what the gospel means for gay and lesbian Christians"

When: 7-8:30 p.m. Jan. 28, featuring Alan Chambers; Feb. 9, Justin Lee; and Feb. 11, Eve Tushnet

Where: First United Methodist Church, Crossroads Center, 599 Eighth Ave., corner of Texas Parkway, Crestview


This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Renowned authors join Crestview church's discussion series on gay Christians