HUBBUB: We can be more empathetic, let Christ take control

Editor's Note: Facebook fans had plenty to say about First United Methodist Church of Crestview's upcoming "Fearless Conversations" series, which features renowned speakers to address being homosexual and Christian.

Here are some of their comments.

We can be more empathetic

As a member of First United Methodist, I am very happy to see the church reaching out to engage on some of these more difficult topics.

I don't necessarily expect anything to change right away, but by having the conversation and by listening with love to people with different viewpoints, we become more empathetic human beings and better Christians.

Cori Davis 


Series is long overdue

I think it's long overdue, and I am proud that this church has decided to address this issue.

I hope the message is, "Don't judge others because they sin differently than you do."

Lori Hulion


Love the sinner

God doesn't condone any sinful behavior. He loves the sinner and died for their sins. But He doesn't accept their sin, as all sin is abhorrent to him.

A person calling themselves homosexual is loved by God as much as He loves everyone else. But, He calls their homosexual behavior sinful.

Maryann Lepper


Let Christ take control

I can't believe that a church that has been in the community as long as this church has, that the members would allow the devil himself to get this far.

Something or someone needs to be removed and let Christ take back control!

Gary Mayes

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This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: HUBBUB: We can be more empathetic, let Christ take control