Here's what the Crestview City Council will meet about Jan. 25

CRESTVIEW — The City Council will meet 6 p.m. Jan. 25 at city hall, 198 Wilson St., N.

Here is the meeting's agenda.

1. Call to Order

2. Invocation Rev. Mark Dillman, Airport Road Church of Christ, and Pledge of  Allegiance

3. Open policy making and legislative session

4. Special presentations

a. State of the City – Mayor David Cadle

b. Employee recognition

●Public Services – Anna Brown – 10 years

●Fire Department – Rodney Lancaster – 20years

●Public Services – Paula Pigott – 10 years

●City Clerk/Finance – Tammie Johnson-Goettl – 10 years

●City Clerk/Utility Billing- Loretta Scardina – 10 years

5. Approval of minutes

6. Public Hearings:

a. Ordinance 1598—Amending Chapter 2, Division 4, Sections 2-102 and 2-107 — Growth Management

7. Public Opportunity on Council propositions

8. Consent agenda

●Approval of solicitation of bids for fire engine lease

9. Resolutions

10. Committee reports

11. Scheduled presentations from the public

●Relay for Life – Melanie Fullerton

12. Project reports and comments from mayor and council

13. Staff reports and recommendations

a. Discussion of library director applications and interviews

b. Approval of interlocal agreement with CRA

c. Board vacancies – administrative assistant

d. Old business:

1) Explanation of Rules and procedures

2) Interlocal agreement for PJ Adams Parkway

14. Comments from the audience

15. Adjournment

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Here's what the Crestview City Council will meet about Jan. 25