BONI: I'm going to jail — for a worthy cause

Editor Thomas Boni has raised $30 of his $3,200 bail (which actually benefits the Muscular Dystrophy Association.) 
Please help him "get out of jail" by donating to this worthy cause and helping Northwest Florida residents with MD. See the link below.

Here are some facts about muscular dystrophy:

●It's a group of 30-plus inherited diseases that cause muscle weakness and loss

●Infants, children and adults can acquire it

●Most people with MD lose their ability to walk

This information — which comes from the U.S. National Library of Medicine's MedlinePlus website — may sound familiar.

Perhaps you, like I, never missed "The Jerry Lewis MDA Labor Day Telethon." The annual televised event raised more than $2.45 billion for the Muscular Dystrophy Association during its 48-year run, according to the Los Angeles Times. Jerry Seinfeld, the Muppets, Dean Martin, Frank Sinatra and Celine Dion were among countless celebrities who lured generations to tune in, or stop while channel surfing, and learn about MD in the process. 

Perhaps you heard about MD from celebrity ambassadors such as Rascal Flatts, Charo, Barry Manilow, Alyssa Milano Lou Ferrigno or Josh Groban.

Or perhaps you have a family member or friend with the disease.

Whichever reason applies, help is needed.

Experimental treatments and medications to solve the MD problem, or at least lessen its effects, come in clinical trials for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis; congenital, Duchenne and myotonic muscular dystrophy; spinal muscular atrophy; and Charcot-Marie-tooth disease, among others.

But none of these was possible without funding for research. Help — in the form of money — brings hope.

Knowing this, I didn't hesitate when MDA asked if I would participate in its 2016 Crestview Executive Lock Up. During the event — 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Feb. 25 at the Holiday Inn Express in Crestview — I will be "locked up" as a jailbird while raising funds for the nonprofit organization.

From now until then, readers can raise money for my $3,200 "bail" online. Just surf here and click "Donate to me" to make an instant, life-changing contribution that benefits Northwest Florida residents in the greater Tallahassee area. 

Remember: These dollars make a difference. (Click the "Donate to me" button on the link above and you will see exactly where dollars go.) 

MDA's website states, "While jailbirds are only 'locked up' for one hour, the loss of mobility that occurs when muscles stop working — and the limitations on freedom and independence that can cause — are for life."

In Brian Hughes' report on property tax exemptions, Crestview resident Bob Allen says he claims tax breaks because, "Let's face it … every little penny counts."

That's true here, too.

Every little penny counts.

Your support can help MDA find a cure. 


News Bulletin Editor Thomas Boni will be in "jail for bail" to support the Muscular Dystrophy Association.

To bail him out and donate toward muscular dystrophy research, click here and select "Donate to me."

What's your view? Write a letter to the editor or tweet News Bulletin Editor Thomas Boni.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: BONI: I'm going to jail — for a worthy cause