LETTER: Resident 'disappointed and frustrated' with Rattlesnake Bluff Road's condition (DOCUMENT)

Editor's Note: Helen R. White recently sent this letter to all Okaloosa County commissioners, commanders of the 7th Special Forces Group (Airborne) and Ranger Camp, the Crestview News Bulletin and the Northwest Florida Daily News.

Dear editor,

Rattlesnake Bluff Road is in poor condition. The pot holes have been horrible. Unless you wanted major auto repair, or you do not mind having your vehicle look as though it had just been off road four-wheeling, it takes 25 to 30 minutes to drive the 3 miles!

(In addition), we no longer have a trash server. The reason, and I quote: "The road is too bad, and it is not cost effective for us to serve your area." I personally have to take all my household trash to the Baker landfill!

I wonder if commanders of the 7th Special Forces Group and the Ranger Camp are aware how their training grounds are being used for dumping grounds. Right now, the scenic view includes old computer monitors, broken kitchen cabinets, car parts, computer stands and clothes. Someone picked up the recliner and sofa.

Added to that list of "not available" services is the daily newspaper by carrier. The reason: Bad road conditions. Service was discontinued several years ago! I do get the Crestview Bulletin twice a week by mail.

(Speaking of mail), I happened to be at the mailbox the other day when the carrier came. I asked, "Is there a possibility of an additional post office on the south side of Crestview?" A resounding no! Then the next statement shocked me. "They are still working on getting these boxes moved to Highway 85!" I asked, "Why?" The answer, and I quote: "The condition of the road. It has a lot of washouts and really ruins our vehicles. It is not cost effective."

There are 75 or more residences in our area. So if this move is made, that means there are possibly 75 vehicles that will have to drive 6 miles, six days a week to get their mail, versus one vehicle  … having to drive 6 miles, six days a week.

How does this best serve the citizens?

There is a lot of excitement from the commissioners about the flyover at Lewis Turner Boulevard and Highway 123, the in-progress four-laning/flyover at 123 and Highway 85. And especially a $21 million courthouse (which could have been adequately brought to standard for a low-end $60,000 to $8 million cost factor.) I read the quote in the paper: "This is big stuff. We're going to demolish the courthouse: bring out our bulldozers, push it away, and spend $21 million on a beautiful, new, Southern-style downtown courthouse."

You can understand why all North Okaloosa County citizens are not quite as jubilant when so many other important issues are being neglected. I feel as though I have been betrayed by the very ones who are supposed to look out for everyday, faithful tax-paying citizens whose necessary and convenient services are being taken away one at a time.

Our representatives seem to be more concerned with what political impact their decisions will make on their careers than the needs of all those they were elected to represent.

It seems they are forgetting the necessary needs of the very ones who helped put them in office.

I am disappointed and frustrated. I only hope my voice will reach the ears of someone willing to take some actions on these matters. That would be greatly appreciated.

What's your view? Write a letter to the editor or tweet us.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: LETTER: Resident 'disappointed and frustrated' with Rattlesnake Bluff Road's condition (DOCUMENT)