LETTER: Muscular dystrophy 'truly a worthy cause'

Dear editor,

During my years with a Muscular Dystrophy Association sponsor, ERA Real Estate, I had several opportunities to meet children suffering from this terror. 

Once, I used the fact that my son had been shot in the eye with a BB gun, but recovered fully, noting that children with MD never recover.

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At the end of my talk, I met a mother with two children suffering from Duchenne and myotonic muscular dystrophy. I started to apologize for stating a fact she was all too aware of — she stopped me and said, “You can say anything that raises money for MDA.” 

Next, her younger son, using his older brother as an example, explained how his body would one day suffer to the same degree as his brother. 

The mother told me her older son had broken an expensive leg support just after it was fitted. He was just attempting to play. Upon contacting MDA, the amazed mother heard, “We will just replace it!”

Dining with a National Poster Child and his family, I had an up close and personal opportunity to witness the courage required to meet this daily. 

MDA is truly a worthy cause.

What's your view? Write a letter to the editor or tweet us.

News Bulletin Editor Thomas Boni is raising funds for muscular dystrophy research and treatments in the greater Tallahassee area.

●Go to http://bit.ly/2067hzY.

●Click 'Donate to Me.' You will see a list of options, ranging from $30 to $1,480, and exactly how your contribution will be used.


This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: LETTER: Muscular dystrophy 'truly a worthy cause'