HUBBUB: About the obstructing sewer lift station, praise for FUMC

Editor's Note: Facebook fans had plenty to say about Crestview High School; potentially increasing water and sewer bills to fund removal of a sewer lift station on PJ Adams Parkway; and First United Methodist Church of Crestview's "Fearless Conversations" series, which raised questions about homosexuality and spirituality.

Here are some of their comments.

Can schools keep up with growth?

We have two middle schools, and five elementary schools, and we are getting more and more homes built. Davidson already has classrooms in outside buildings.

If growth keeps happening, which it will, where are they going to put all these kids …?

Denise Eanes Izumi


What Crestview High needs

Well, for starters … functioning security cameras in the school. So that the next time my daughter, or someone else's student inside the school, gets filmed in the hallway by an unidentified male, the camera will work and the guy will get caught.

Courtney Young 


Expand CHS

They need to worry about extending the high school. Too many students, not enough room. Also, they need to rebuild the stadium or take out those "reserved" seats so there is enough room in the stands at football games.

Ashlea Marie Garrett 


About the obstructing sewer lift station

The Florida Department of Transportation is projected to widen PJ Adams Parkway. Why can't they veer around that spot? Why is it up to city residents to pay for something that has been there over 30 years?

Make the county / state chip in, too, since this road is used by everyone!

Kurt Burgess


Praise for FUMC

I am so glad to see that this went so well, and began a compassionate conversation! Were I a Christian, I would certainly have taken part!

Raymonda Schwartz

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This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: HUBBUB: About the obstructing sewer lift station, praise for FUMC