BONI: Carrying other people's crosses during Lent

Growing up, I always heard that everyone has a cross to bear.

As a child, I thought my cross was living out in the country; neighborhood kids saw their friends much more than I did.

In high school, it was acne; I avoided pimples long enough in grade school, so they naturally were lying in wait until dating age.

In college, it was being a hopeless romantic; I chased around one girl — full on Roberto Benigni in "Life is Beautiful" style — for four straight years and had nothing to show for it. My family still ribs me for it.    

But my true cross — at least, so it seems, in my 30s — is my back pain.

Seven years ago, I started noticing pain radiating up and down my leg. Within days, I could barely walk. Or, if I sat down at work, I dreaded getting up and going home.

My doctor diagnosed me with degenerative disc disease, which basically means pain resulting from a damaged disc, according to Cedars-Sinai's website.

I learned that regular exercise and being more careful — for instance, lifting with my legs — helps prevent pain. I usually walk and run around with no problems. However, if I twist a certain way, or go long without exercise, the pain returns.

It hadn't happened in years — until Wednesday.

I've been a beached whale for two days. (If you're binge-watching reruns of now-obscure shows, like "Quantum Leap," to pass the time while lying on a hard floor to right your spine, it's serious.)

But as an adult, with more wisdom, I know this too shall pass, usually in three days. So I think of those with true crosses out there, and avoid giving in to selfish feelings.

For instance, Crestview's American Cancer Society Relay For Life is 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. April 22 at Crestview High School. So I'll put this temporary pain out of my mind to help those with a more permanent, and sometimes terminal, struggle by sharing this website:

You can sign up a team to walk the CHS track or donate to the cause. (Disclosure: I am the Crestview Relay's publicity chairperson.)

In addition, you can surf to, click "Support a Jailbird" and type my name, Thomas Boni, to donate toward my "bail" for the Muscular Dystrophy Association's Feb. 25 Crestview Executive Lockup.

I'll be MDA's jailbird, and am happy to help raise funds for this important cause.

As Lent approaches for Christians, now's a good time to help carry others' proverbial crosses.

And if you're not Christian, that's OK, too. Because really, any time is a good time to think of others.

What's your view? Write a letter to the editor or tweet News Bulletin Editor Thomas Boni.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: BONI: Carrying other people's crosses during Lent