HUBBUB: Readers' thoughts on Crestview traffic, unified fire district

Editor's Note: These featured comments are the most thoughtful or eloquently stated comments from our Facebook page and and do not necessarily reflect the newspaper management's views.

The answer is traffic crashes

This is what happens when you just throw houses and stores up, willy-nilly, with no thought of how people will get from place to place.

You can't think of traffic patterns after you have thousands of people in an area. There are accidents every single day on (State Road) 85, both north and south of town.

And the turn-ins in the middle are a joke. No one knows how to use them properly.

And it shouldn't take 15 minutes to get from Crestview High School to Publix. It's crazy!

Dawn Bayles Wamsley


Follow the rules of the road

While the city did not plan when allowing the city to explode with housing and businesses, drivers are to blame with the accidents.

… People treat the right-hand turn off PJ Adams Parkway onto (State Road) 85 south as a continuous green light, not stopping when they have a red.

There is a sign that clearly states, for the right-hand turn lane onto 85 south, that U-turners have the right of way, but few people stop and wait for those turning off 85 onto PJ Adams … I sit and let people blow their horns at me, and wait for that traffic to stop or no cars turning before making my right on red.

I don't want to cause an accident, nor do I want to be cited for causing an accident. I'm responsible for my driving and (for) following the road rules and laws; I don't let other drivers bully me because they feel they carry that entitled card.

Roger Wills


Unified fire district unlikely

Pooling resources sounds good but in reality … the obstacles are too many to overcome.

First thing would be for some egos to be put in check. A consolidated north-end fire department would come with a lot of in-fighting and a power struggle. 

The stations would have to be manned by paid staff in order for the idea to work, at a cost the communities won't be able to support.

If the issue was for everyone to be trained at the same level, there is nothing stopping the departments from holding a consolidated training each month. Almarante FD has taken the lead and become proactive to update their equipment.

A little research and filing for grants has become a real blessing for that community — maybe the other departments should likewise look into available grants.

Jeff Williams


Library is in good hands

Hope Mrs. (Jean) Lewis enjoys retirement. She represented Crestview and her staff well.

Good to see Ms. Garcia stepping into the director's position. (The) library is in good hands.

Thomas Gordon

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This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: HUBBUB: Readers' thoughts on Crestview traffic, unified fire district