CROSE: 15 Lenten praying suggestions

Lent — the 40 days that began with Ash Wednesday — traditionally is a time for reflection and repentance as Christians remember Jesus Christ's sacrifice for humankind. Many of the faithful fast during this period, but Janice Lynn Crose says they also can reflect on others' sacrifices and needs during the season.

We are now in the season of Lent, the 40 days beginning with Ash Wednesday leading up to Easter Sunday when we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord Jesus.

This period has traditionally been a time for reflection and repentance; a time of gratitude for our savior's sacrifice when He died on the cross for our sins. 

Many of us observed and participated in an Ash Wednesday service.

Do you have changes in your regular routine during Lent?

Are you abstaining from a particular food or television program you enjoy?

Did you add more time to your prayer and Bible reading on a daily basis?

Are you consciously visiting shut-ins, sending cards to the homebound, or working at a soup kitchen helping to feed the less fortunate?

The Lord's Prayer is our guide for intercessory prayer, but here are some specific ideas for our community.

Pray for:

●Our police, sheriff's office and fire departments, for wisdom and safety

●Our EMTs and Emergency Room staff, for smart, timely decisions

●Our city and county officials and county judges

●Our state and federal leaders, elected, non-elected and judicial

●Our pastors, ministers, church staff, church council and deacons

●Your children's teachers and our school administration

●Your children and their friends

●Your neighbors and their needs

●Residents in war-torn countries, that they will have safety, food, shelter and clean drinking water

●Orphans in all countries, that loving families will adopt them

●Your employer and your spouse's employer, for prosperity and wise management decisions

●Christians being persecuted around the world, that the Lord would shield them from harm and that they would remain faithful

●Missionaries sharing the gospel

●For the homeless, that solutions will be found for them, along with shelter, food and jobs

●For those addicted to unhealthy lifestyles, that they would be delivered from their addiction

There are many more prayers that can be offered on behalf of others, and we need to be mindful about others' needs.

We should be grateful at all times, but our gratitude should abound especially during the Lenten season.

Janice Lynn Crose, a retired accountant, lives in Crestview with her husband, Jim; her two rescue collies, Shane and Jasmine; and two cats, Kathryn and Prince Valiant.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: CROSE: 15 Lenten praying suggestions