Northwood Elementary class gets Valentine's Day treats

Kelli Alaska's class at Northwood Elementary School received Valentine's Day items from its sponsor, Order of the Eastern Star Crestview Chapter No. 203. Pictured with their plush animals, from left, front to back, are Andrew Mattingly, Carson Hoffman, Vadin Foster, Tylashia Hutchinson, Vance Harrington, Jade Howard, Kimona Brooks, Finnley Miskin, Daveon Major, Elijah Gonzalez, Addison Jackson, Kyndall Elledge, Nathan Borque, Gabrielle Pippin, Jamie Hicks, Brandon Sanchez-Martinez, and Aidan Bealler.

CRESTVIEW — Crestview Order of the Eastern Star  Chapter No. 203 members played Cupid for their adopted second grade class at Northwood Elementary.

Each child in Kelli Alaska's class received a Valentine plush animal, pencils, candy, and a puzzle in the Valentine goodie bag.

The Order of the Eastern Star is the one of the largest fraternal organizations to which both women and men can belong. The order was founded in 1850, and the Crestview chapter has been active since 1947. Currently, there are about 100 members in the chapter.

Membership requirements for women are that they have a Masonic connection in good standing; men must be Master Masons in good standing.

For more information on how to join the local chapter, contact Jennifer Ludemann, Worthy Matron, at

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Northwood Elementary class gets Valentine's Day treats