Exciting changes for CNB Online comments

The News Bulletin now has more options than ever for sharing your thoughts on the North Okaloosa County stories that you care about.

As of Feb. 23, Viafoura now provides the CNB's commenting services.

Up until today, only Facebook users primarily could comment on our articles. But now, readers with Viafoura, Facebook, Google, Twitter, LinkedIn, Windows Live or Yahoo! accounts can post comments.

In addition, CNB readers will have access to tools they never had before.

For instance, readers now can:

●Vote up and vote down comments

●Follow other users

●Receive instant notifications on commenting activity

●Earn badges

●Flag anything offensive or abusive

"We are excited to make this transition," News Bulletin editor Thomas Boni said. "Our web fans love to comment on their favorite stories, and we think they deserve additional, real-time recognition,  such as Editor's Pick and promotions for being trusted commenters with special privileges.

"However, please be patient. Just as Rome wasn't built in day, our new system may have some hiccups as we all get used to it. Our goal is to better serve you."

Happy commenting! 

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Exciting changes for CNB Online comments