North Okaloosa STEM teachers up for cash prizes

Two $5,000 winners and four $500 merit finalists will be announced at the March 3 Crestview Area Chamber of Commerce breakfast meeting.

CRESTVIEW — The morning of March 3, two North Okaloosa County high school math or science teachers will each be $5,000 richer. Four more will each receive $500 merit awards.

The teachers will be the recipients of the 2016 Paul Hsu Family Foundation’s annual Teaching Excellence Award in Math and Science, or TEAMS, presented by engineer and philanthropist Paul Hsu.

“Overall, there were 20 teachers nominated,” the Crestview Area Chamber of Commerce TEAMS committee chairman Dennis Mitchell said. “There are 13 finalists who competed.”

Hsu, joined by special guests J.R. McDonald and Frank Fuller, will present the awards at tomorrow morning’s chamber of commerce breakfast meeting, which is sponsored by the Okaloosa County School District.

Both guest presenters have vested interests in seeing students excel in science, technology, engineering and math — STEM — disciplines.

McDonald is vice president of corporate domestic business development for Lockheed Martin Corporation, leading the aerospace company’s Air Force Customer Focus Team. The Air Force Academy Graduate served 14 years as a USAF fighter pilot.

Fuller has devoted 32 years to K-12 education in Florida. For three years he was senior policy adviser on education to then Florida Senate President Don Gaetz. Fuller currently works on unmanned vehicle programs with Embry Riddle Aeronautical University.

Their companies and university seek skilled STEM graduates for high-paying jobs, Mitchell said. He and the awards committee — Hsu, Dr. Margareth Larose-Pierre, Karen Hardell, Shelli Brown, Dr. Pam Meadows, Tim Bryant, Paul Lowrey, Phyllis Enzor, Bob Jones and Amanda Negron — are enthused to see the program, now in its second year, growing so rapidly.

“We can credit strong support and generous cooperation from all the principals and (Okaloosa Schools Superintendent) Mary Beth Jackson for the program both last year and this year,” Mitchell said.

The Paul Hsu Foundation’s Teaching Excellence Awards in Math and Science, or TEAMS — administered through the Crestview Area Chamber of Commerce — are no-strings-attached prizes of $5,000 for two North Okaloosa County high school STEM teachers.


Baker School

Stacy Burlison, science

Beth Griffith, math

Crestview High School                                

Sandi Bufkin, math                                                            

Miranda Delpozo, math

Darron Dubose, math                                                         

Angie Fortune, math

Tammy McKenzie, science                                                 

Linda Parker, math

Yolanda Porter, allied tech

Shanna Suggs, allied tech

Laurel Hill School                                      

Debra Adams, math

Wanda Cooper, allied tech

Lena Steele, math


This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: North Okaloosa STEM teachers up for cash prizes