Graduating high school seniors: Get this app for 'sobering' truth

With spring break just weeks away, The Florida Bar is launching a new mobile app designed to help young adults understand the legal rights and responsibilities that will greet them when they turn 18. The #JustAdulting app, provides specific tools and resources outlining how Florida law can affect their lives. It is free to download at and available on any smart phone.

Turning 18 is a milestone that brings with it not just new experiences but also a whole new list of challenges, from buying a car and leasing an apartment to understanding both drinking laws and criminal charges. With this in mind, The Florida Bar’s #JustAdulting mobile app and dedicated website provide a number of resources to educate young adults on Florida law.

“With graduation only a few months away and spring break right around the corner, more than 179,000 high school seniors in Florida will be challenged with new responsibilities and confronted with new realities that they need to understand,” said Ramón Abadin, President of The Florida Bar. “Our Law Related Education Committee created this new app so today’s tech-savvy teens can be better prepared for life as adults.”

Abadin adds that what may have come with a slap on the wrist as a minor could lead to hefty fines or even jail time as an adult, including:

Fake ID: Anyone possessing a forged (altered) or counterfeit (falsely produced) ID, or possess a stolen ID, risk a third degree felony. Penalties include up to: an arrest, a maximum of five years in prison and/or probation and a $5000 fine.

Underage drinking: The legal drinking age in Florida is 21. Anyone younger than 21 in possession of alcohol can be cited for a second-degree misdemeanor, which can lead to costly court fees, fines and other lasting consequences.

Open container: Possession of an open alcoholic beverage container in a vehicle (in motion or stopped) by the driver and or the passenger(s) is a violation of Florida law.

Driving under the influence: Driving, while under the influence (DUI), is subject to heavy penalties for the first offense. These include possible imprisonment of up to six months; a loss of your driver’s license for up to one year; a fine up to $2,000 in addition to court costs; completion of a substance abuse course and driving course; 50 hours of community service; an electronic alcohol monitor worn at all times; and immediate impounding of the vehicle driven.

Sexual cyber-harassment: Florida law classifies sexual cyber-harassment as a first-degree misdemeanor punishable by up to one year in jail and a $1,000 fine for the first offense.

Additionally, the app provides critical information on how to navigate the court system, how to communicate with law enforcement, and what rights are granted in case of arrest.

The app is designed to be shared on today’s leading social media networks. “Quick access to information is what today’s teens want and need,” added Sheri Hazeltine, Chair of The Florida Bar’s Law Related Education Committee. “Our committee designed the new mobile app so young adults can find important legal information regarding drinking laws, driving, texting while driving and a long list of important topics.”

Additional resources, including an infographic, video, PowerPoint quiz presentation and The Legal Survival Guide for New Adults are available at

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Graduating high school seniors: Get this app for 'sobering' truth