Laurel Hill council tweaks proposed purchasing ordinance

LAUREL HILL — The City Council has chosen one of two options to establish a purchasing-procedures ordinance.

The proposed ordinance is partially based on state guidelines, with dollar amounts adjusted to reflect the city’s typical spending.

Councilman Travis Dewrell recommended tightening verbiage in a provision allowing the mayor to make emergency purchases or enter into contracts up to $19,999.

Dewrell assured Mayor Robby Adams his concerns were not directed at the sitting mayor, and were not meant to block a mayor from making emergency decisions when it was impossible to receive city council approval.

“I'm protecting the city from a rogue mayor, not from Robby Adams,” Dewrell said. “If it's an emergency the mayor doesn't need to have his hands tied. I'm in total agreement with that.”

The revised ordinance will be considered at the council’s April 7 meeting.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Laurel Hill council tweaks proposed purchasing ordinance