HELMS: Learning from Bartimaeus’ example

“If we will cast off our garments of unrighteousness, doubt — anything that trips us up, as a blind man's robes might — we can approach Him for our needs,” the Rev. Richard Helms says.

In the book of Mark, chapter 10, beginning in the 46th verse, we read the story of Bartimaeus, a blind man whom Jesus healed. 

Bartimaeus was begging for assistance for his livelihood; evidently, he had heard of Jesus and His miracles, and had enough faith to cry out in the hope that Jesus would notice him. 

Even though he was told to be quiet, he yelled out more and, amid all those crying out to the Savior, the excited comments, and the day’s general noise, he somehow got Jesus' attention.  

Jesus stood still.  His attention had been drawn to this blind man, and He called for the blind man to come to Him.

Bartimaeus threw off his outer garments and went to the Master. The request was made known, and his healing was granted. Then Bartimaeus followed Jesus down the road. 

If we cry out to Jesus, I know from experience and His Word that He would stand still to hear our cry. 

If we will cast off our garments of unrighteousness, doubt — anything that trips us up, as a blind man's robes might — we can approach Him for our needs. 

God will hear our plea and our spiritual sight, as well as physical needs, can be granted. 

However — and this is where many stumble — we must follow Him. 

God is willing to stop and assist any who call earnestly upon His name, yet pride stops us; so does shame from sins we have committed. 

You can hide nothing from God, so you cannot surprise Him, but if you approach Him in desperation, or in need, He can surprise you with the great love that He has for His creation — you! 

The Rev. Richard Helms serves at Miracle Acres Ministries, 3187 E. James Lee Blvd., in Crestview.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: HELMS: Learning from Bartimaeus’ example