CROSE: Easter is the pinnacle of Christianity

Many who’d once hailed Jesus as their king turned against Him. They didn't realize Jesus’ persecution was part of God's plan for a sinful humanity’s redemption.   

What was going through the minds of Jesus' followers — His disciples and His friends? I am sure they were watching in horror as the crowd asked Pontius Pilate to crucify Him.

Never had there been such a man; one who could heal the blind, deaf and diseased, who could raise people from the dead — and now He was being put to death. 

Through it all, Jesus humbly, willingly offered Himself as a sacrifice for the world’s sins so we could be redeemed from the bondage of sin and justified before God.

Are we like Mary, who arose early to make sure the body of the Lord was anointed for burial? She found an empty tomb with an angel who told her, "He is risen, just as He said."

Although Jesus had spoken to his followers of His death, burial and resurrection, they didn't seem to understand, so this must have been a shock to Mary.

When she ran to the disciples, Peter and John immediately ran to the tomb to see if Jesus had really risen from the dead. 

How would we have reacted? You can be sure all of Jerusalem was stirred up once it was discovered that Jesus had risen from the grave.

Easter is the pinnacle of the Christian faith; without Christ's death, burial and resurrection we would not have forgiveness of our sins and eternal life with Christ Jesus when we accept Him as our Savior.

Have a glorious Easter as we celebrate Christ’s resurrection. He is Risen!

Janice Lynn Crose, a former accountant, lives in Crestview with her husband, Jim; her two rescue collies, Shane and Jasmine; and two cats, Kathryn and Prince Valiant.

●6:30 a.m. March 27, Old Spanish Trail Park, on Stillwell Blvd., Crestview. Presented by the Crestview Area Ministerial Association.

●6:30 a.m. March 27, Gene Clary Park, located on the corner of New Ebenezer Road and Park, Laurel Hill.

Bring chairs, dress in warm clothing and, if it is cold, bring blankets.


This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: CROSE: Easter is the pinnacle of Christianity