CHELCO'S first Northwest Florida charity tournament raises big money

CHELCO employees get ready for the company's first charity golf tournament April 8 in Mossy Head. Pictured from left are Luann Schley, Susan Sanders and Blackstone Golf Course club manager Will Hutchinson.

MOSSY HEAD — CHELCO’s first annual charity golf tournament at Blackstone Golf Course in Mossy Head April 8 raised more than $3,850 in funds for donation to American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life and American Heart Association’s Heartwalk events. CHELCO is a proud supporter of both events and fundraises throughout the year.

Several CHELCO employees organized and worked the event to ensure its success. Many of the employees also participate in Crestview and North of the Bay Relay for Life events as well as the Heartwalk. Both Relay for Life events take place next Friday, April 22.

Overall, there were 21 hole sponsors, several snack and door prize sponsors, and nine teams. It was a beautiful day to play golf and players enjoyed a barbecue lunch at Blackstone’s restaurant before tee time.

“CHELCO’s excited to make this golf tournament an annual event to raise funds for these worthy causes,” said CHELCO Marketing Manager Bryan Gilbert. “We do other smaller fundraisers throughout the year, but this signature event will help us raise even more money for the charities. We are very grateful to all our sponsors who made the tournament possible.”

CHELCO’s Relay for Life team hopes to have more than $6,000 in donations by next Friday’s events. The Heartwalk event is September 24 at Northwest Florida State College in Niceville, and the teams will continue fundraising over the next few months.

CHELCO is a not-for-profit electric distribution cooperative serving more than 48,000 accounts in Walton, Okaloosa, Holmes and Santa Rosa counties.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: CHELCO'S first Northwest Florida charity tournament raises big money