LETTER: Lowering wages would help the U.S. economy

Dear editor,

Again we are hearing from the illogical liberal left Democrats regarding a $15 per hour minimum wage.

Consider this: a small business having four employees, with one being a new hire, at $8 per hour; one being with the business for two years makes $10 per hour; the third has been there seven years and makes $12 per hour; and the manager makes $15 per hour.

With a federally mandated minimum wage of $15 per hour, each now makes that minimum wage. Now, the business is spending an extra $15 per hour — $120 a day, and about $840 a week; $3,360 a month, $40,320 a year — which either comes out of the business owner's pocket or prices of the business' products must also increase by at least the same percentage of about 50 percent. 

Also, the fact that many union contracts are tied to the minimum wage, if it goes up, their contracted wages go up — no matter how much money they are already being paid.

And you wonder why we, as a nation, can no longer compete with other country's lower cost of labor.

Also, did you notice that the business now has four minimum wage earners, and the least deserving, new hire, is the most rewarded?

And you wonder what is happening to the ever-diminishing middle class!

Liberal government of Democrats, and even Republican-controlled government only know how to drive up inflation. Never once has anyone in either group, or those liberally educated economists, shown a plan on how to deflate the cost of living by lowering wages across the board, along with a lower cost of living, allowing our country to again compete in a worldwide free-enterprise market.

That is because the first step in this process is lowering the cost of government (federal, state and local), which every small business supports with its paid taxes!

That is why, at one point, employees in government were referred to as servants of government or of "We the People.” Today, these same jobs are the highest-paying jobs within our job markets, and yet no one can figure this out!

Why do you think the Washington D.C. area is booming with the richest white-collar counties in America, and your vote will not change what is happening! It might slow this process down or speed it up, but won't fix it!

I will leave you with an Albert Einstein quote that illustrates what I just said: "The significant problems we have cannot be solved at the same level of thinking with which we created them.”

What's your view? Write a letter to the editor or tweet us.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: LETTER: Lowering wages would help the U.S. economy