Crestview Woman's Club assisting with city Centennial events

GFWC Woman's Club of Crestview is celebrating some great successes this year, including hosting the city's centennial dinner and other anniversary-related events. Pictured are some group members and helpers who cooked for the city's centennial dinner: Linda Parker, Helen Bonner, Jeanne Gutenmann, Dee Pettigrew, Kathy Nidig, Brenda Johns, Ondella Baker, Sharlene Cox, Jerri Jones, Marylin Letherman and Sheila Russell.

The GFWC Woman's Club of Crestview is winding down for the summer of 2016.

This has been a successful and exciting year participating in centennial events as well as our annual activities.

The club provided refreshments for the opening centennial event "Becoming the County Seat," served the centennial dinner in March and plan to support our military in May with the Military Appreciation Recognition Celebration event taking place at Old Spanish Trail Park.

The group looks forward to the 4th of July and assisting with welcoming the Sister City Friends in October. We plan to finish out 2016 supporting fall events, Veterans Day and the city's big Christmas parade.

The Woman's Club will continue the second Sunday dinners throughout the summer at their clubhouse on Woodlawn Drive.

Several members will attend the General Federation of Woman's Club convention in Orlando. And during May, the blue ribbon winners of the District Arts Festival will compete at the convention.

The Woman's Club supports many needs in our community through fundraisers. One of these is by renting our clubhouse for events. We have also published a new cookbook fume of club members' delicious recipes. We support "The Manor" and Sharing and Caring; we collect children's books and then donate them to various businesses; we put on a number of yard sales and do many events to generate revenue to give back to our community. When you see a member of the GFWC Woman's Club in Crestview, thank them!

The General Federation of Woman's Clubs is an international women's organization dedicated to community improvement by enhancing the lives of others through volunteer service.

NOTE:  This article was updated April 25, 2016 to include the names of the ladies pictured and information about the GFWC convention.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Crestview Woman's Club assisting with city Centennial events