HART: Say this to young Bernie or Hillary voters

Naïve young voters are pulling the lever for Bernie Sanders in droves.

In New Hampshire, for example, 83 percent of voters ages 18 to 29 chose Sanders. It turns out they like the promise of free stuff, something to which they have become accustomed.

The Vermont senator makes seductive yet unachievable economic promises. Kids are conditioned to believe they are entitled to, and can get, something for “free.”

When you catch yourself believing this, keep in mind that Bernie Sanders’ initials are BS.

College kids even have a Bernie Sanders drinking game. When he mentions he is going to give you something for free, you take a drink of someone else’s beer.

The Nazis were socialists. Their propagandist, Joseph Goebbels, taught modern-day liberals an important lesson: “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such a time as the state can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie.”

Obamacare is an example.

As you discuss, or argue, with your kids or liberals on the two main Goebbels-esque lies Democrats perpetuate — with help from their kindred souls in the media — use these simple facts to rebut their claims:

The White House tweets: “Ninety-seven percent of scientists agree: #climatechange is real, man-made and dangerous,” one tweet said. Days later, Secretary of State John Kerry announced, “Ninety-seven percent of the world’s scientists tell us this is urgent.”

That “97 percent” myth is based on a 2009 University of Illinois master’s student’s paper. Just 5 percent of people he sent questions to were climate scientists.

Al Gore channeled his inner Goebbels and started repeating it. Then Obama added, “The science is settled on the matter.” What a statement!  By its very nature, science is never settled. If it were, we would be still using leeches to extract blood.

When I got my master's degree, I did a PowerPoint presentation to my professor of a pie chart of the bars I liked and a bar chart of the pies I liked. My paper was more factual than the Illinois kid’s.

“Climate scientists” (who cannot get the weather forecast right nine out of 10 days), know what the earth’s temperature will be in 20 years? Even if accurate, they say Obama’s power-plant rules, which bankrupt coal companies across the nation, will affect temperatures only 0.03 degrees Celsius.

His fuel mileage dictates, while burdening Detroit and crippling VW, would have even less effect. They do, however, help his green donors like Tesla Motors' Elon Musk and the Solyndra crony capitalist types.

To believe the global warming alarmists, one must believe:

●That data collected by climatologists who make money from their predictions are correct and that the planet is warming. 

●That global warming is man-made. Keep in mind the Mississippi river was formed in the Ice Age, when glaciers melted and moved south. There were no SUVs then. 

●That by taxing us all, government can do something about the weather.

All three are big leaps of faith unsupported by facts or reason.

“Today, women make up about half our workforce. But they still make 77 cents for every dollar a man earns. That is wrong, and in 2014, it’s an embarrassment,” President Obama said in his 2014 State of the Union address.

That women make 77 percent of what men make is another myth. "We need an equal-pay law,” whine Democrats. Never mind that we have had one since the 1960s.

If we are to believe that women’s equal work trades at a 23 percent discount to men's, why don’t greedy businessmen only hire women?

Even the Washington Post concedes that, when adjusted for job choices (like teaching), time off to have children and job experience, this gap evaporates.

It has happened in my family, where women nobly take time off from jobs to raise a family. Husbands work more and get paid more because of it — and die younger from the stress.

Hillary will make a campaign issue of the gender pay gap, but remember: She paid her women staffers less than 77 cents of what she paid the men while a U.S. senator.

I apologize for the lack of humor in this column. I’m just preparing for Bernie’s world of no joking.

Under socialism, jokes will not be allowed to be funny unless everybody gets them equally.

Ron Hart, a libertarian op-ed humorist and award-winning author, is a frequent guest on CNN. Contact him at Ron@RonaldHart.com or tweet@RonaldHart.


College campuses don’t understand free speech

By Ron Hart

An Emory University degree just went down in value — again.

I’ve never been a fan of any Emory undergrad I’ve met. Emory is an expensive, whiny Northern rich kid’s college. Around Atlanta, its graduates are called "Em-roids" because of their entitled attitude — and they just proved why.

Emory students and their president are all in a prissy tizzy because there might be one or more Trump supporters on campus. When someone wrote in chalk “Trump 2016” around the campus, the school was all but locked down. Students cried and said they felt “unsafe.” They chanted protests to the president: “You are not listening! Come speak to us; we are in pain.” The president immediately had the admissions office look into how a Republican was admitted to Emory.

Responding to their Em-roid-rage, he then sent out a letter saying that he felt their pain. These princesses were offered grief counseling for the worst trauma of their lives: seeing Trump’s name.

The students then went into the Emory quad and played hacky sack (with helmets for safety) because it just felt right.

I never trust a college that doesn’t have a football team.

The First Amendment has died a slow death on college campuses, strangled over time by their left-wing bureaucracies. If our Founding Fathers came back to life today, they would (after visiting New York's Times Square theater district to catch the musical "Hamilton") be appalled at this Emory thing.

Campuses were supposed to be places where ideas are debated. Today, they are where opposing speech is labeled “hate” and shut down. Many college campuses cannot stand the idea of free speech unless it is speech they agree with; if they do not like what is said, they seek to silence the speaker.

The whole idea of free speech is that people are allowed to say things you do not agree with.

This weak millennial generation got participation trophies and expects us to applaud and positively reinforce the little they do. Jugglers, street mimes and community theater actors need applause; real leaders don’t. I cannot imagine Generals Patton or Eisenhower putting up with this. I just hope this generation does not have to go to war.

We know the left on college campuses love Bernie Sanders and hate Donald Trump. At a recent college campus rally, a woman took her top off, saying "Vote for Bernie Sanders."  She also made a nasty anti-Trump gesture. Men in attendance who watched her said she made two compelling points.

Sanders has the love of the narcissistic millennials who are not good at economics. (which means all millennials?). To them, Sanders is a rock star.  What is amazing is that he is the first person revered by this generation without a single nude selfie posted on social media.

And why do millennials always want to take selfies or film everything — even sex — that they do? I’m just the opposite. When I am done with sex I think to myself, "Well, at least no one had to see that."

The Emory kerfuffle came during the same week as the bad optics of President Obama doing the tango in Argentina while ISIS bombed Belgium and Iraq.

We may look weak and feckless as a world power these days, but we are still the world’s undisputed superpower when it comes to televised dance contests.

Ron Hart, a libertarian op-ed humorist and award-winning author, is a frequent guest on CNN. Contact him at Ron@RonaldHart.com or tweet@RonaldHart.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: HART: Say this to young Bernie or Hillary voters