HELMS: Examine your life; tweak it for God's glory

In the book of Acts, chapter 19, seven sons of Sceva, a priest of Israel, encountered an individual who was demonically influenced.

They attempted to cast out that demon, and got an answer they did not expect, I am sure. This demon stated that it knew both Jesus and Paul, but wanted to know who they were. It then proceeded to attack them, and sent them running, naked and hurt.

The passage shines a light on a bit of truth: that the enemy knows those who are genuine, and those who are not.

It knew Jesus, and it knew Paul — probably either by warning from others, or even being on the wrong side of the battle against them.

What if you or I were one of those sons — would the enemy know our name and have respect for it?

Are we living a life that results in our prayers being feared by the ilk of the spiritual world?

In Ezekiel, chapter 14, God tells the beloved prophet that if three men — Noah, Daniel and Job — were in the land that He desired to bring judgment upon, they would only be able to preserve themselves and their family.

Interesting to me is the fact that Daniel is a little younger than Ezekiel, and God chooses to name him due to his rise in the government due to his righteousness.

Could, or even would, God use our name in this world to be known as a righteous individual, even more so than perhaps prophets around us?

Is our life so devoted to the Father that we could save our own family in a time of judgment?

Finally, Paul, in writing to the church at Phillipi, states that soon every knee shall bow and every tongue would confess at the name of Jesus.

We must really look at our lives and line them up to God's Word. I want my name to be a sweet sound to the Father of all. I, therefore, must allow His Spirit to create a clean heart and a renewed spirit daily inside of me.

Granted, this is not easy for me to accomplish, but then God can and does do all things for His glory.

Do as I am doing, and examine your life, tweaking it with His Word and His Spirit, and become a name for His glory.

The Rev. Richard Helms serves at Miracle Acres Ministries, 3187 E. James Lee Blvd., in Crestview.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: HELMS: Examine your life; tweak it for God's glory