A CITY NO MORE? Laurel Hill to continue dissolution discussion

LAUREL HILL — The City Council has voted 3-2 to continue gathering information on possibly dissolving the city.

“We’ll continue gathering the facts so they could present them to the citizens,” Mayor Robby Adams said. “(Okaloosa County Administrator) John Hofstad will come up and speak to us in a workshop in the near future.”

Councilmen Travis Dewrell and Scott Moneypenny cast the dissenting votes on Thursday. Dewrell has stated that he refuses to participate in “closing the city down” and wants to focus his efforts on improving Laurel Hill.

In other business, the council selected R.A. Rhodes Remodeling and Roofing of Crestview to put a new roof on city hall and the city’s maintenance shop for $28,960.

Bids ranging from $35,250 to $43,380 were received from several other Crestview contractors, Adams said.

The council also selected a Laurel Hill School student recipient for its annual scholarship. The recipient will be announced at the school’s May 31 awards day.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: A CITY NO MORE? Laurel Hill to continue dissolution discussion