HELMS: All points lead to Christ

In continuing our look at the vision of Zechariah's lamp stand, found in chapter 4 of the book written by him, we notice a couple of differences and similarities in his lamps and the ones that John saw in the Revelation of Christ, chapter 1. 

The big, glaring difference? In Zechariah, he sees the two branches of the olive trees constantly giving a source to the lamps in the form of their oil. We do not see that in the Revelation.

The reason is quite interesting for, if you recall Jesus’ words, He Himself stated that both the law and the prophets led and guided the children of Israel — the saints of yesteryear — up until John the Baptist came preaching repentance as opposed to works. 

As stated earlier, the law and the prophets were, in my opinion, twin branches that stood by God and lit the way for man to find God.

In the New Testament, Jesus states that He came not to destroy the law and the prophets, but that they pointed the way to Him, and He came to fulfill the law and the prophecies concerning His coming to earth as well as His life, death, burial and resurrection. 

That John did not note the olive branches in His vision, but saw one resembling the Son of Man, Yeshua, Jesus, standing amid the lamps, indicates that indeed He fulfilled both the aforementioned items and He is now the source of the light and the Word.

One key element both of them have is the seven lights, and a reference to God’s seven spirits.

If I may, the idea of seven spirits simply means that in the law and the prophets of the Old Testament, God's Holy Spirit found completion, hence the idea of seven spirits. 

In the Revelation of Christ, we see those same seven spirits mentioned again, revealing that God's Spirit has His completion in the church through Jesus Christ. 

Read these chapters and compare, allowing God to speak to you. In the Old Testament, all points to Christ. In the New, all points to Christ. 

Should not our efforts be to point to Christ? May God bless you.

The Rev. Richard Helms serves at Miracle Acres Ministries, 3187 E. James Lee Blvd., in Crestview.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: HELMS: All points lead to Christ