HELMS: When God calls, find solitude and listen

“When it feels like you can do nothing else, isolate yourself to just you and God — no phones, no radio, just you and Him,” the Rev. Richard Helms says.

In the book of I Kings, chapter 19, we see the story of Elijah fleeing from Jezebel’s threat.

This is after he inspired a change in many people’s hearts by declaring who God was, and proving how true God is, and eliminating 450 prophets of the false god Baal.

Sadly, Elijah often was maligned as a coward for running away from a face-off with this evil woman.

Allow me to take a different approach.

To protect himself, Elijah was instructed to go into the wilderness, and there he was fed repeatedly by ravens for a period.

At the end of chapter 18, we are told that he girded up himself and ran in the power of the Lord God, outrunning Ahab's chariot to Jezreel’s gates. Ahab goes in and details all of Elijah's exploits to Jezebel and she sends a warning that she will destroy Elijah.

Elijah ran to Judah and left his servant there, safe, while he went into the wilderness to die. But was it truly cowardice and lack of faith that drove him into the wilderness?

I am not so sure.

First of all, he was not afraid to die, but seems to prefer to fall at the hands of a merciful God, not a conniving queen.

Second, I believe that God sent him to Jezreel to let him see that what he had begun was not yet ready to be accomplished: the renewal of Israel back to its God.

I further believe that God was dealing with him and preparing him for his ministry’s next phase.

Perhaps you have done like Elijah and felt like you were the only person standing up for God. You began good work, and let others influence you to become hurt or discouraged.

Learn a lesson from Elijah. When it feels like you can do nothing else, isolate yourself to just you and God — no phones, no radio, just you and Him.

First response for many of you? “I have too many responsibilities to do that.”

Wrong answer.

Nothing and no one is more important than you spending time with the Father. When He calls, move to that place of solitude and listen.

Honestly, to put your responsibilities before God is a little thing called idolatry. Time spent alone with God will prepare you for your life’s next phase.

The Rev. Richard Helms serves at Miracle Acres Ministries, 3187 E. James Lee Blvd., in Crestview.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: HELMS: When God calls, find solitude and listen