LETTER: Is another 50 dead Americans enough yet?

Dear editor,

Democrats are again blaming guns, illegal guns and unstable people possessing guns for the Orlando, Fla., shooting.

Yet the perpetrator, Omar Mir Seddique Mateen, registered Democrat, had a G type Florida gun license because of his security job, which allowed him greater freedom with his guns.

He was twice investigated by the FBI for his Islamic terror connections but he had no criminal record, so his ability for a gun license was never revoked. Even government couldn't, or didn't, determine this person as being unstable, which government thinks it can do.

Obviously, this government can't determine much of anything.

So the gun didn't shoot these people, the gun wasn't illegal, but Omar was religiously unstable due to his anti-gay views, views of women and minorities — exposed by his ex-wife, coworkers and others — contained in his Islam religion.

Homosexuality is not politely portrayed in the Christian religion, either, but the religion itself has gotten past this point of death as society's cure for nature's developmental failures.

   Now, the Democrats’ only option is to remove guns from the hands of all legal gun owners. As for illegal guns, you can't remove something you don't know they possess!

Removing guns from America will only create a criminal black market for criminals to continuously have guns, just like the black drug market. The 9/11 event that brought down the Twin Towers had no guns involved in the takeover of the aircrafts. They used box cutters and killed almost 3,000 people.

   Ninety-eight percent or more of the Islamic and the LGBT communities support the political left wing of the Democrat Party because of the promised freedom each community believes they are receiving.

These supposed freedoms collided this weekend in Orlando, Florida.



This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: LETTER: Is another 50 dead Americans enough yet?