HUBBUB: Readers weigh in on gun stats, CareerSource closure

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Gun violence in the inner cities is the symptom of failing families; failing families is the symptom of government programs enabling — alas, encouraging — failing families.

Those committing gun violence in the inner cities have criminal histories at the highest proportion. The stats given in the article (“America faces ‘public health crisis of gun violence’” by Matthew T. Mangino) are misleading by the way — OK, I mean a lie.

The largest proportions of those killed by guns are suicides.

Another counter to the so-called "crisis" is the number of deaths by gun, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, has dropped from over 15 per 100,000 in 1990 to 11 per 100,000.

Still too many, but a "crisis" now? That's what libs do — create a crisis.




This is so typical; the south part of the county gets all the resources and the north part of the county always gets (cheated).

The north part of the county exceeds the south in population, and has for several years now.

It is ridiculous that all the resources are still being kept south of Duke Field!

Robin Marston

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This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: HUBBUB: Readers weigh in on gun stats, CareerSource closure