Warriors Hall military services, historical flags dedication scheduled

City Clerk Betsy Roy and Friends of the Arts President Rae Schwartz discuss plans for the July 11 dedication of the Warriors Hall flag display.

CRESTVIEW — The Crestview City Council’s next meeting will be held beneath the city’s new display of military service branch and historical flags.

The meeting was moved to Warriors Hall for the dedication of the Friends of the Arts-spearheaded display, which will proceed the meeting.

The 5 p.m. dedication ceremony will include performances by the North Okaloosa Community Band and The Wesley Boys, First United Methodist Church’s men’s gospel quartet, which will sing an a-capella arrangement of “The Star-Spangled Banner.”

During the dedication, Mayor David Cadle will narrate the community band’s performance of “Within These Hallowed Halls,” which fuses “The Battle Hymn of the Republic” and “Amazing Grace.”

The $2,400 flag display was funded by donations from students, residents and businesses and includes flags of the six military branches and six nations that historically controlled the area that now includes Crestview.

“The flag display project is an opportunity for the Friends of the Arts, along with community sponsors, to continue our work enhancing Warriors Hall,” Friends President Rae Schwartz said.

The 50-member North Okaloosa Community Band will also perform patriotic music before and after the dedication ceremony.

The band makes its debut Monday evening at 4 p.m. at Crestview’s Fourth of July Celebration.


What: Warriors Hall Flag Display Dedication

When: 5 p.m. July 11

Where: Warriors Hall, Whitehurst Municipal Building, Stillwell Boulevard at Industrial Drive, Crestview

Notes: Public dedication of Friends of the Arts’ service branch and historical flag display, featuring performances by the North Okaloosa Community Band and The Wesley Boys. Refreshments follow.

What: Warriors Hall Flag Display Dedication

When: 5 p.m. July 11

Where: Warriors Hall, Whitehurst Municipal Building, Stillwell Boulevard at Industrial Drive, Crestview

Notes: Public dedication of Friends of the Arts’ service branch and historical flag display, featuring performances by the North Okaloosa Community Band and The Wesley Boys. Refreshments follow.


This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Warriors Hall military services, historical flags dedication scheduled