Vacation Bible School attendees study Noah's ark like never before

Benny Bears, Chase Nixon and Jessie Nixon admire an almost 7-foot-long ark model during Vacation Bible School at Joy Fellowship.

CRESTVIEW — Children attending Vacation Bible School at Joy Fellowship admired a 1:72 scale model of Noah's Ark as designed and built by artisan Wayne Sherwood.

Sherwood described his creation’s features to children during the science portion of a lesson.

So, how did this come about?

Well, he was driving by the church a few weeks ago and noticed signage about an upcoming VBS on Noah's Ark. He volunteered his services and his model to church VBS director Liz Bears.

Previously, children read the Genesis account of the ark’s size, as stated in the Bible. Then they designed cubit sticks and measured the ark’s length on the ground. Next, they watched videos on Earth science that support the Biblical View. 

Curriculum and materials for this year's VBS at Joy Fellowship were provided through the Kentucky-based Answers in Genesis Company.

This organization is currently engaged in a project to build a life-sized Noah's ark for the public to tour.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Vacation Bible School attendees study Noah's ark like never before