CROSE: 11 tips for summer water safety

“Water is fun, cool and relaxing, but it can also be deadly, and we need to treat it with caution and respect,” Janice Crose says.

Since my husband, Jim, and I moved to Crestview, it seems that some summers are hotter than others.

This summer is hot, but there are a variety of ways to cool off.

When I was young, we didn't have a swimming pool, so my Mom would buy a wading pool and fill it for us to splash around in and cool off; one of the neighbors had a slip-and-slide that kept us cool, and then there were sprinklers we played in.

All fun, and fairly safe, but still required adult supervision.

As I grew older, my parents put in a swimming pool, which was wonderful for hot days; we could walk out and jump in the pool to cool off. 

But a pool comes with a great deal of maintenance and safety concerns. Our family pool was surrounded by a fenced backyard as well as an additional fence just around the pool to ensure that no child could accidentally walk outside and fall into the pool. I grew up with safety-conscious parents.

If you have a pool, or take your children to swim anywhere, please observe these safety rules:

●Teach your children to swim when they are young so they are safer around water

●Never swim alone

●Never take your eyes away from a toddler or new swimmer

●Have adequate adults for supervision of children

●Teach your children to obey those in charge when they are swimming

●No running around the pool

●Don't allow children to ride their tricycles around the pool as they can fall in

●Use flotation devices or life jackets for little ones who like to feel independent

●Take a CPR class and know basic first aid

●Observe safety flags on the beach and obey lifeguards

●Don't swim out farther than your ability to swim back

Water is fun, cool and relaxing, but it can also be deadly and we need to treat it with caution and respect.

And let’s not forget about pets! Make sure they stay hydrated and have a cool place to relax, along with plenty of fresh water throughout the day. 

Enjoy the summer!

Janice Lynn Crose, a former accountant, lives in Crestview with her husband, Jim; her two rescue collies, Shane and Jasmine; and two cats, Kathryn and Prince Valiant.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: CROSE: 11 tips for summer water safety