Laurel Hill sets millage rate

LAUREL HILL — The City Council unanimously decided to leave the city’s ad valorem tax rate unchanged at 3.5 mils as it begins its fiscal year 2016-17 budget planning.

That rate brings in about $50,000 a year, “which is a lot for us,” Council Chairman Larry Hendren said.

When Councilman Travis Dewrell suggested dropping the rate to .5 mils to have a token “skin in the game” for residents, city auditor Joe Jones advised against the idea.

“I think it would hurt your chances of getting grant money,” Jones said. “It sends a message that you don't need as much money.”

Mayor Robby Adams said setting a millage rate now is just a starting point as required by state law and the council can always vote to lower the amount during the budgeting process.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Laurel Hill sets millage rate