REVIEW: Refreshingly fun 'comedy tonight' at NWF State (PHOTOS, VIDEO)

To the delight of courtesans, including Crestview resident Eli Rogers as Tintinabula, far left, eunuchs and soldiers, slave Pseudolus welcomes the great Roman captain Miles Gloriosus—Crestview residents Shelby Steverson and Wesley Barlow respectively—in a scene from “A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum" at Northwest Florida State College.

CRESTVIEW — Shelby Steverson’s given me two “whodathunk” moments in his theatrical career. The first was when he unexpectedly appeared in Crestview High School’s 2011 spring musical.

“Who knew Shelby Steverson could act?” I asked, somewhat incredulously, in my review.

PHOTOS: See photos from "A Funny Thing Happened…">>

He did it to me again in “A Funny Thing happened on the Way to the Forum” opening Wednesday evening at Northwest Florida State College’s Mattie Kelly Performing Arts Center.

This time I have to say, “Who knew Shelby Steverson had a gift for comedy?”

Luckily the show’s directorial staff recognized his genius for timing, facial expressions, asides, singing and all that other stuff grade school teachers hate in the class clown, but musical comedy leads need.

“Shelby is pretty flippin’ funny,” producer Dr. Jeremy Ribando said succinctly.


As the show’s lead, Steverson’s Pseudolus, a Roman slave, is a refreshingly lively, bouncy and fun character, seemingly everywhere at once as he causes—and then tries to rectify—one hilarious situation after another, all in an effort to win his freedom.

I say “refreshingly,” because I’ve seen other Pseudoli who are flouncy, frumpy and prone to overact, which detracts from the other characters.

Steverson plays the role right to the hilt without going over the top. I like that in my Pseudoli.

Heaps of praise are also due Wesley Barlow, another graduate of Crestview’s drama program, who surprised everyone with a naturally pleasant singing voice when first treading the boards at the Pearl Tyner Auditorium.

As the boisterous, pompous and blustery Roman army captain, Miles Gloriosus, Barlow is a delight, and his many scenes with Steverson are just achingly funny.


Toss in steady Nick Trolian as the tottery old Erronius, who several times literally stops the show; Brett Huston’s lecherous Senex; a bevy of courtesans, including Crestview’s sultry Eli Rogers; Tristan Allen’s sturdy, heroic Hero; Arin Walker’s winsome-but-not-too-bright Philia; James Meadows’s slathering Marcus Lycus; and Derek Raynaud’s hysterical Hysterium, and you’ve got one great night of musical comedy.

Under director Christa Whittaker’s deft hand, this rollicking production of one of Broadway’s greatest 1960s musical comedies nips along at a smart pace, looks stylish on designer Clint Mahle’s gorgeous set, and under musical directors Guy Heath and Carolyn Schlatter, takes full advantage of a great pit orchestra playing one of Broadway legend Stephen Sondheim’s best scores.

Given all that’s happening in the news lately, take Sondheim’s advice. Let the “weighty affairs” wait for another day and enjoy this fabulously fun, visually stunning and perfectly cast “comedy tonight.”



What: Northwest Florida State College Division of Humanities, Fine and performing Arts production of “A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum”

When: 7:30 p.m. July 13-16

Where: Mattie Kelly Performing Arts Center, NWFSC Niceville main campus

Tickets: $25 each; youth 18 and younger, $20; NWFSC students, 1 free ticket with ID

Note: Multiple Tony Award-winning musical comedy with music and lyrics by Stephen Sondheim. Directed by Christa Whittaker

What: Northwest Florida State College Division of Humanities, Fine and performing Arts production of “A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum”

When: 7:30 p.m. July 13-16

Where: Mattie Kelly Performing Arts Center, NWFSC Niceville main campus

Tickets: $25 each; youth 18 and younger, $20; NWFSC students, 1 free ticket with ID

Note: Multiple Tony Award-winning musical comedy with music and lyrics by Stephen Sondheim. Directed by Christa Whittaker


This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: REVIEW: Refreshingly fun 'comedy tonight' at NWF State (PHOTOS, VIDEO)