BROADHEAD: The benefits of seeking God and his Kingdom

“Wouldn't it be wonderful if people sought the Kingdom of God with as much intensity and determination as do people seeking Pokemon?” said the Rev. Mark Broadhead.

This past week I observed more people than usual walking around downtown Crestview. They have been people mostly in their teens, 20’s and 30’s. Most were walking, some were on bicycles, some were pushing baby strollers or had children in tow.

They would stare intently at their cell phones, then glance up and look around the city as if in search for something.

What have they been doing? They have been playing the newly released game called Pokémon GO. This is a GPS-enabled game that has players walk around their neighborhoods and surrounding areas to hunt down Pokémon (which is short for pocket monsters). When they find one, it activates the phone’s camera and shows you the Pokémon.

This game is different than most. It causes people to get outside and walk around in their search. A player can go with friends and family – so there is a social aspect to it. It makes one get outside and walk – so there is an exercise component to it. It also opens one’s eyes to the surrounding area and the offerings of downtown Crestview.

People spend hours searching – and searching diligently.

This made me think of a teaching from Jesus, who said, “Seek first the Kingdom of God, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.”

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if people sought the Kingdom of God with as much intensity and determination as do people seeking Pokémon?

Spending time each day studying the Bible, researching Biblical history, looking for God’s presence in the neighborhood and surrounding area, and exploring the mysteries and glories of our Lord are wonderful endeavors. The rewards are long lasting and eternal.

Seeking Pokémon is a fun game. I applaud the innovation that is helping people who used to be glued to a video screen playing games and suffering a lack of exercise to get outside and move around. This new game brings enjoyment, exercise, a sense of adventure.

Seeking God’s Kingdom is real life. It brings enjoyment. It provides a sense of adventure as God’s presence is sought and found in many aspects of life.

It exercises your heart, mind, and soul. It broadens your horizons as you seek God’s will for your life. And the benefits are out of this world, lasting a lifetime and way beyond.

The Rev. Mark Broadhead is pastor at Laurel Hill Presbyterian Church and First Presbyterian Church of Crestview.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: BROADHEAD: The benefits of seeking God and his Kingdom