HUBBUB: Readers thoughts on Lacey post office, police shootings

CRESTVIEW — Readers shared their thoughts on the Sgt. 1st Class William 'Kelly' Lacey Post Office and police-related shootings. Here is a sample of their comments.


As a combat veteran of OEF 2012, I want to let everyone know it's not just a (renaming) of a post office.

Just like Congressman Jeff Miller said: It’s a form of true sacrifice that this SFC gave his life in honoring his oath: to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States from all enemies, foreign and domestic.

This soldier (bore) to faith and his allegiance to the same, and he will be honored with this memorial and for his family.

Just know freedom isn’t free. He gave his life for a cause and what he knew was right. And he will rest in peace as a hero, a mentor to everyone that knew him and a true leader.

Duty first, and always forward.



Michael Brown's case was the wrong one to champion, but I think today's police are too quick to shoot. They're shooting people of every race too quickly, and with less cause than ever.

If I don't put my arm behind my back like the cop says, he can shoot me? Wrong. I'm running away, you shoot me? Wrong.

Are we all just fleeing felons? There has to be more to it.

We've churned out way too many soldiers since 9-11, and they all get preference on the police exams. We've got too many trained killers on the police forces — and then the government gives them night-vision goggles, flack jackets, sonic anti-riot equipment, high-powered weapons and armored personnel carriers.

Just what war are they fighting?


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This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: HUBBUB: Readers thoughts on Lacey post office, police shootings