Northwest Florida chorale names new director, schedules auditions

Michael Dye (top left), Niceville High School Chorale director, will assume directorship of the Northwest Florida Symphony Chorale. RIGHT: The chorale is pictured with the Northwest Florida Syphony Orchestra.

FORT WALTON BEACH — After more than a decade of leadership of the Northwest Florida Symphony Chorale, NWF State College Professor of Music Lois Henry has stepped down as director of the vocal ensemble in order to assume other roles within the college’s Division of Humanities, Fine & Performing Arts.

She will continue her duties as a full-time Professor of Music at the college; lead the college’s premier women’s chorus, Belle Voci, and pursue additional professional opportunities as a composer and the region’s leading concert pianist. 

The chorale is a vocal ensemble of community and college members which performs with the Northwest Florida Symphony Orchestra.

In August, veteran Niceville High School Chorus Director Michael Dye will assume direction of the NWF Symphony Chorale as the orchestra enters its 30th season.

Dye, who will begin his 27th year as choral director at NHS in August, holds a Master of Music Education Degree.

 His primary responsibility with the Chorale will be to build membership of talented vocalists and prepare for performances with the NFSO in December 2016 and May 2017.  

“Taking on the leadership of the college’s chorale will be a wonderful extension of my decades at Niceville High,” noted Dye. “I hope many former NHS Chorus members and singers from across our community will audition August 9, and come out for our first meeting of both continuing and new members on August 23.” 

Dye said current chorale members are not required to re-audition for a position and should plan to attend the first rehearsal and meeting on Aug. 23.

Auditions and rehearsal

Auditions for new members are 6 p.m. Aug. 9 in the Tyler Recital Hall, Mattie Kelly Arts Center, Northwest Florida State College, Niceville.

Singers should bring a one-minute solo appropriate for the voice to be used in the chorale.  Bring sheet music for the accompanist, if necessary, or sing a capella. Callbacks and an alternate audition are Aug. 16.  Contact Phyllis Lake,,  for audition scheduling.

The first rehearsal and fall information session for current and new prospective members are 6:30 p.m. Aug. 23 in the Tyler Recital Hall. 

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Northwest Florida chorale names new director, schedules auditions