Panhandle Warrior Partnership announces veteran employment collaboration

PENSACOLA — Panhandle Warrior Partnership has entered an agreement of understanding with WarriorsWorking LLC to provide their proprietary employee-matching technology for PWP Veterans and local employers, PWP Executive Director Dan Verda announced.

“Although we have been somewhat successful with the comprehensive services provided to our local veterans, we have noticed that there is still a disconnect between local employers and our veteran population,” Dan Verda said. “Business owners say they want to hire veterans; veterans want jobs, but the connection is difficult. Often, veteran resumes have great difficulty getting past the automated applicant tracking system that most businesses use. After witnessing the power of WarriorsWorking's employee-matching technology, we are prepared to escalate our veterans’ employment potential exponentially."

He added that, "by all measures, being able to successfully pinpoint the best potential civilian careers for veterans and then align them with the best local workforce opportunities, using statistically reliable analytics and big data in a unique process, is a remarkable combination. The career-matching services that we have witnessed with WarriorsWorking is like nothing we’ve ever seen. Local employers are in for an exciting surprise to realize they can finally hire veterans based on their civilian potential — perfectly calibrated for high performance and retention based on over 35 years of statistical science from 20 million individuals in over 3,500 global employers."

Jane Allen, founder and CEO of Warriors Working, LLC, said, “We have been corporate executive recruiters for many years and have met some remarkable veterans attempting to transition into civilian assignments. We developed this business model around employers’ needs as well as the challenges veterans face translating their experiences and hard-wired potential to fill those needs.”

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This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Panhandle Warrior Partnership announces veteran employment collaboration