DREADEN: Browse newspapers past and present at the library

Americans have loved reading newspapers since before becoming a nation. That devotion continues today with even more options in our digital online age.

Of course, you may still relax here at the library with a real, hold-in-your-hands copy.

Subscriptions include:

●Crestview News Bulletin

●Northwest Florida Daily News

●Pensacola News Journal

●USA Today

●Wall Street Journal

An interesting online option is found at Chronicling America from the Library of Congress. It provides free access to millions of historic American newspaper pages and more than a hundred topics so far.

The National Digital Newspaper Program is a long-term effort to develop an Internet-based, searchable database of U.S. newspapers with descriptive information and select digitization of historic pages published between 1690 and the present. Most states are included in the collection.

The Florida Digital Newspaper Library provides access to the news and history of Florida. There are over 2 million pages of historic through current Florida newspapers. They are freely available with zoomable page images and full text.

Newspapers are a national and state treasure, the historian's and genealogist's best friend, and the community's collective memory.

In the world of newspapers, today's news is already history from the moment their stories are printed.

Check out these links:




Sandra Dreaden is the Crestview Public Library's reference librarian.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: DREADEN: Browse newspapers past and present at the library