BACK TO SCHOOL: Okaloosa seniors give advice to freshmen

Class of 2016 graduates Kyler Young, Michael Brooks, Elyssa McCallum, Corey Delvalle, and Aleja Johnson, top row, from left; Brianna Sutton, not pictured; Morgan Leadmon, Kayra Zaring, Sarah Nunley and Isaac Kimbrell, bottom row, from left, have advice for incoming Okaloosa freshmen.

CRESTVIEW — Members of the class of 2016 offered incoming freshmen advice gleaned from four — or more — years’ experience.

Kyler Young, Crestview High School

I would say, regardless of what your friends say to do, always do your work, even if it’s the nerdy thing to do. And get involved as much as you can. Make high school fun.

Michael Brooks, Crestview High School

Don’t be afraid to get involved. From personal experience, I know a lot of freshmen are afraid. They see it as, “these guys have been doing it for so long,” or “these guys are older than me and have experience, I won’t get a shot.”

When I auditioned for show choir freshman year, I didn’t think I’d get it at all. There were guys that had been there for three or four years. But if you don’t go out and try you never are going to know what the outcome will be.

Elyssa McCallum, Crestview High School

Enjoy every minute. Don’t think, ‘I have plenty of time to be involved with Dog Pound at games or take part in plays, etc.’ Before you know it, you’ll be a senior and regretting you put it off. Find your niche and make every moment count! It might sound cliché, but it’s the truth.

Corey Del Valle, Crestview High School

As a freshman, it’s difficult transitioning to a new school with so many new people and new topics. One of the hardest things to do is to find a place to belong. There’s so many different groups in our school. It’s easy to find your place if you try. Whether it be theatre, a sport like soccer or football, or a service club like student government or Juniorettes, join a couple of clubs and find out where you belong.

Aleja Johnson, Crestview High School

Don’t be afraid to be yourself.

Brianna Sutton, Crestview High School

Don’t worry about what others think of you. At the end of high school it is not about who you were but who you are and who you will be.

Also, don’t leave with regrets. Join chorus, audition for plays, try out for a team. If it isn’t for you, then don’t do it again. But don’t wait until senior year because I guarantee if you do and find the thing meant for you, you’ll repeat over and over, “Man, I wish I had done this sooner.”

Introduce yourself to people, ask how their day is, find out their interests. Being a social butterfly isn’t a bad thing. Ultimately, don’t take things so seriously. Except for school work: always take school work seriously — and never skip a homework assignment. Before you know it, you can get behind. But don’t take other things so seriously.

Morgan Leadmon, Crestview High School

Do like we say in the band: Don’t miss this. Go out for that team, join that club. Heck, take all the honors or AP classes if you want. Just don’t leave something until “next year,” because “next year” never comes. Have fun with high school.

Kayra Zaring, Crestview High School

Do theatre. Do everything you want to do. But keep your GPA up and don’t forget to do and turn in your homework.

Sarah Nunley, Baker School

Have fun but don't get B's because it will effect your GPA and college is not that far way.

Isaac Kimbrell, Baker School

My advice for freshman would be find something you love to do and do it with all of your heart.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: BACK TO SCHOOL: Okaloosa seniors give advice to freshmen