Laurel Hill council votes to end dissolution discussion

Laurel Hill City Councilman Scott Moneypenny glances at Councilman Travis Dewrell during debate on Dewrell's motion to end dissolution discussions.

LAUREL HILL — After much debate, including passionate input from residents, the City Council voted 3-2 to terminate discussion on dissolving the city.

Council Chairman Larry Hendren and Councilwoman Debra Adams cast the dissenting votes.

Councilman Travis Dewrell, who made the motion to end the discussion, said no one has approached the council to support dissolution, but he has heard from many residents who want the city to remain incorporated.

Councilman Scott Moneypenny said of the city's 516 residents, just one has spoken in favor of dissolution.

However resident Joel Weekly said there was "a large silent majority" who favored dissolution.

"The silent majority should be represented" on the council, too, he said. "They pay taxes, too."

"If the silent majority was not silent, then I'd be in favor of taking the money and continuing this discussion," Dewrell responded.

Hendren said when discussion first began several years ago, he then favored dissolution, but "Since then I've seen growth."

Still, he said before casting his "nay" vote, "I think every citizen should be given the chance to vote on it."

Weekly agreed, saying, "You started the process, let's go through it and give the people a chance to vote."

Councilman Daniel Lane said in all his discussions with residents, more were in favor of not dissolving the than favored it.

"There is nothing about this to be discussed or on a ballot," Lane said. "If people would come to these meetings and listen to what we're getting ourselves into if we dissolve the city, it surely is not worth it."

Lane reminded the council that several county officials, presenting "what if" scenarios to the city, said residents' taxes and expenses would surely increase if the city dissolved.

"Things are being done now," Lane said. "I see no reason to dissolve the city."

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Laurel Hill council votes to end dissolution discussion