BROADHEAD: Make sure God is in the picture

“Make sure God is put into the picture. Everything in life begins to make sense when God is in the center. As Jesus said, “Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, then all these things will be added to you.”

Most people work hard in life. For some, having more than one job is a necessity. For others, two or three jobs are held so they can make more money to buy “stuff.” Others throw themselves into their work, because they believe it will bring meaning to their existence.

But working more than one job just to purchase “stuff” isn’t really worth it. In fact, there is much suffering because of that kind of mindset. There is too little time or energy left to spend with spouse, family, friends, children.

Tony Campolo, author and lecturer, told of something that took place in his home. One night, when his children were very small, his wife called him into the children’s bedroom. She pointed to them stretched out in their beds. He could see the angelic expressions on their faces and their peaceful innocence. His wife whispered in his ear, “Look long and hard, Tony, because they’ll never be like that again.” Years later Tony said he wished he had taken more time for such reflection.

Being overly busy causes us to miss truly important aspects of life. We can justify just about anything. But we cannot regain lost opportunities for relationships with the people who matter most.

If you have lost a healthy perspective in life, now is the time to reflect. Ask yourself if you are keeping busy by working in order to simply keep up with the neighbors, or to purchase items that others say will make you happy.

Ask yourself if you are feeling a restlessness or an emptiness that you are trying satisfy.

Honestly, the things we can acquire on this Earth bring only short-term relief. If you want a life-long sense of purpose and enjoyment, do this…

Make sure God is put into the picture. Everything in life begins to make sense when God is in the center. As Jesus said, “Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, then all these things will be added to you.”

God put you on this earth to enjoy life. True joy comes from him. So seek it from God and you won’t miss a thing. When you have the joy of God in your life — a joy that comes in knowing him through his Son, Jesus Christ — you will learn to enjoy this life God has given you.

The Rev. Mark Broadhead is pastor at Laurel Hill Presbyterian Church and First Presbyterian Church of Crestview.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: BROADHEAD: Make sure God is in the picture