CROSE: How we prepare for emergency situations

A first aid kit is just one of many recommended items for an emergency preparedness kit.

Here in Crestview and Northwest Florida, we have been blessed for many years without a severe storm or hurricane.

The Lord has been good to us.

As we head into September, we need to maintain our preparedness in case we face severe weather. As humans, we tend to get complacent, but we need to maintain our vigilance.

My family tries to keep the following on hand for an emergency:

●Insurance documents, vehicle and bank information, and other important papers in a portable file

●Pet carriers and dog leashes near the front door

●Plenty of water on hand — at least 1 gallon per day for both pets and people

●Snacks and food that can be eaten without cooking, canned goods, granola bars and other packaged foods (make sure you have a hand can opener)

●Plenty of pet food and cat litter

●Medicines for all persons and pets in the family — 10 to 14 days' worth

●Glasses and contacts (and solutions) readily available

●At least one-half tank of fuel in our cars. It doesn't get below that in case we need to leave quickly or the gas stations have no power to pump the gasoline.

●A small outdoor grill and propane so we can grill outside if it is safe

●Important phone numbers and a car cell phone charger

●Flashlights and battery operated lanterns as well as extra batteries

More recommended items are:

●First aid supplies

●Portable radio or television; there are hand-crank devices available

●A planned evacuation route, and make sure any motels or hotels are pet friendly if you have pets

●Having a family meeting place in case of an emergency

●Knowing where to buy dry ice for your refrigerator and freezer

If you can afford one, have a home generator professionally installed. Keep duct tape on hand to seal your refrigerator and freezer to help keep in the cold air so your food doesn't spoil as quickly.

If you would like more information on preparation, visit There are also forms to download at

Stay safe Crestview!

Janice Lynn Crose, a former accountant, lives in Crestview with her husband, Jim; her two rescue collies, Shane and Jasmine; and two cats, Kathryn and Prince Valiant.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: CROSE: How we prepare for emergency situations