Support veterans with the EOD 131 Crossfit Movement

An Explosive Ordnance Disposal fundraiser will raise money for the EOD Warrior Memorial Foundation. The EOD 131 takes place Oct. 1 through Nov. 30.

NICEVILLE, Florida — This Veterans Day, you can join a movement, and use your work out as a way to support Explosive Ordnance Disposal members.

Since Sept. 11, 2001, there have been 131 EOD technicians killed while carrying out an EOD mission.

Fellow EOD technicians designed a memorial workout to honor these fallen heroes called the EOD 131 and will raise funds for the EOD Warrior Foundation, a nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting this elite community and their families.

“This nationwide workout to support EOD veterans is fun, it helps people get fit, and it helps to support one of the most elite groups defending our nation,” explains Nicole Motsek, EOD Warrior Foundation executive director.

“It’s easy to get involved, whether you are a gym, business, or individual, just sign up and enlist your friends. It’s a workout that will leave you feeling great physically and emotionally.”

The EOD 131 takes place Oct. 1 through Nov. 30, with proceeds benefitting the foundation.

Each repetition in the workout symbolizes the sacrifice of one of the 131 EOD heroes who have been killed during combat operations since 9/11.

How it works

Gyms, military commands or individuals register to participate in the workout. The workout is done as a two-man team, as EOD technicians are trained to work in pairs. Each person who officially registers receives an EOD 131 Memorial T-shirt, and their donation goes directly to the foundation.

Participants can scale the workout to their ability level. They wear a 20-pound vest or body armor, and do the following:

●65 front squats at 135 pounds Men/95 pounds Women

●65 Kettle Bell Swings at 72 pounds M/54 pounds W

●16 Partner over burpees

●65 hang power cleans at 135 pounds M/95 pounds W

●65 Single arm kettle bell press at 54 pounds M/34 pounds W

●16 Partner over burpees

●65 Chest to bar pull-ups

●65 Box jumps at 30" M/24" W

●16 Partner over burpees

●65 Push ups (Chest to Deck)

●65 "Pendlay" barbell rows at 135 pounds M/95 pounds W

●16 Partner over burpees

●400-meter run in honor of Marine Staff Sgt. David Lyon

The workout was started three years ago by EOD technicians who wanted to honor their fellow comrades and help those still battling injury. The workout is modified each year if another hero is memorialized. This year a 400-meter run is added to the end of the workout to honor Marine Staff Sgt. Lyon, who recently died of wounds sustained during combat operations in Afghanistan.

It’s estimated that there are over 36,000 health clubs around the country, and over 55 million people that belong to them. In 2015 alone, there were over 64 million Americans who utilized a health club.

"The EOD Memorial Workout helps people to make a difference. Imagine the good we could do if even a small percentage of the nation’s health clubs and gyms get involved in this,” Motsek said.

Those interested in supporting the cause and getting involved in the nationwide workout can find more information and register their gym or group at and

To learn more about the EOD Warrior Foundation, visit

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Support veterans with the EOD 131 Crossfit Movement