RON HART: Analyzing Clinton’s relationship with the Weiners

Just like her boss and mentor, Hillary Clinton, Huma Abedin-Weiner struck a “political power couple” deal with her ex-Congressman husband, Anthony “Carlos Danger” Weiner.

This speaks to two things: judgment and just how thirsty they are for power.

Huma learned a lot from Hillary about climbing the ladder of power, including how crucial it is that you do not out someone’s peccadilloes but rather exploit them for your own gain.

To her credit, to save her marriage Huma put up with infidelity for as long as she could. However, Anthony Weiner no longer has power, so Huma finally decided to separate from him this past weekend after his latest scandal involving sexting with a woman on the West Coast.

The New York Daily News tells of his latest sordid online affair.

Anthony sent the West-Coast woman a provocative photo of himself with his son in the background while Huma was in the Hamptons. She finally had enough and decided to separate.

As Hillary Clinton hurls accusations about Donald Trump’s judgment, one has to weigh the wisdom of Hillary’s 10-year relationship with the Weiners.

Oddly, Barack Obama’s closest confidante is Valerie Jarrett, who was born in Iran. Hillary’s is Huma Abedin, who is Muslim. No wonder our relationship with Israel has gone downhill.

We learned recently that Huma’s mother edited a radical Muslim journal. While Hillary and Barack Obama paint themselves as tolerant liberal Democrats, their closest advisers are women with strong Muslim ties, in a religion that treats women and gays terribly.

Huma was also in the news recently with a “Top Secret” document scandal of her own. She left classified documents on the back seat of her car, but realized it and retrieved them. Unlike Hillary, who deleted and “bleached out” her emails to make sure authorities could not get them, at least Huma did the right thing.

As a reminder, Anthony Weiner was a high-level Democrat Congressman, whose fall from grace was epic. He and Debbie Wasserman Schultz were the media faces of the Democrats on issues for years.

Anthony Weiner clearly loved cameras, especially cell phone cameras, entirely too much. In his spare time, he enjoyed shoving his cell phone down his pants and taking pictures. Then he would send them to random women online: an exotic dancer, an unwed mother and a blackjack dealer.

At first Weiner said his Twitter account had been hacked and that he did not send the incriminating pictures; he was going to look into it and would get back to us. He tried to elevate himself to the highest honor a Democrat can bestow upon himself: victimhood.

All the while, Weiner was married to Hillary’s right-hand woman, Huma Albedin.  Huma is all Clinton, all the time. She was the bag woman between Hillary as Secretary of State and the Clinton Crime Family Foundation (while being employed by both). She was the fall woman when the State Department finally said in its report that Hillary’s use of her private server would have been denied if she had asked permission. Knowing the answer would be “no” was the main reason Hillary didn’t ask permission in the first place.

So the story is a cliffhanger. Will Huma testify in the Clinton Foundation shakedown scandal? How is she involved? And will her estranged husband continue to send pictures of his private parts to other women?

It is just like the Weiners to leave things dangling.

Ron Hart, a libertarian op-ed humorist and award-winning author, is a frequent guest on CNN. Contact him at or @RonaldHart on Twitter.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: RON HART: Analyzing Clinton’s relationship with the Weiners