Laurel Hill water rates could increase under proposal

Laurel Hill's water tank greets visitors as they arrive in town from south State Road 85. The City Council is considering raising water rates to plan for future growth and infrastructure repairs.

LAUREL HILL — The City Council is considering increasing city water rates. It would be the first water rate increase in more than 10 years.

Mayor Robby Adams said that several audits, the most recent being last year, have recommended a modest increase in water rates.

During an Aug. 18 budget workshop, Councilman Travis Dewrell cautioned that the city should remain attractive to new development.

At Thursday night's council meeting, Councilman Scott Moneypenny said it would be beneficial to receive more information before proceeding.

"I like the direction we're going but I believe we need more guidance," he said. "I believe we should actually call in Florida Rural Water, who will come in and do a free assessment of our system and make sure we're on the right track."

Adams said the city’s rates haven’t increased since around 2004 or 2005, but, agreeing with Dewrell, said, “We don’t want to hurt people.”

However, he said, as infrastructure ages, the city’s system will become more expensive to maintain, plus costs have increased.

“It’s getting to the point in our budget where we needed a little extra money on the water side,” Adams said. “Every year insurance goes up and employees would like a raise.

“Things get more expensive year after year, and we have infrastructure that needs to be replaced. It’s been in the ground since the ‘80s.”

Adams's wife, Councilwoman Debra Adams, thought a provision in the ordinance allowing forgiveness of a customer's bill once every 12 months in the case of water line breaks might be excessive.

"I feel real uncomfortable having a readjustment every 12 months," she said. "I think that's too frequent. Somebody's going to have to pay for it."

The council will discuss the proposed ordinance in depth at a as-yet unscheduled workshop, during which the measure might be reworked. First City Clerk Nita Miller will distribute the most recent water evaluation to the council.


Following unanimous approval by the Laurel Hill City Council, the city’s water fees will increase effective :


Inside city limits:

First 2,000 gals: $13.50 (minimum bill)

Over 2,000 gals: $3.75 per thousand gals.

Outside city limits:

First 2,000 gals: $18 (minimum bill)

Over 2,000 gals: $4.25 per thousand gals.

Water meter deposit: $50

Connection charge*: $500 in city/$600 outside

Impact fees: Residential in city: $500/ $700 outside

Commercial in city: $1,000/$1,500 outside


Inside city limits:

First 2,000 gals: $14.50 (minimum bill)

2,001-5,999 gals: $3.75/thousand gals.

6,000-8,999 gals: $4.20/thousand gals.

9,000-11,999 gals: $4.65/thousand gals

12,000-14,999 gals: $5.12/thousand gals.

15,000+ gals: $5.55/thousand gals.

Outside city limits:

First 2,000 gals: $19 (minimum bill)

2,001-5,999 gals: $4.25/thousand gals.

6,000-8,999 gals: $4.70/thousand gals.

9,000-11,999 gals: $5.15/thousand gals

12,000-14,999 gals: $5.60/thousand gals.

15,000+ gals: $6.05/thousand gals.

Water meter deposit: $50 homeowner/ $75 renter

Connection charge*: $800 in city/$1,000 outside

Impact fees: Residential in city: $800/ $1,000 outside

Commercial in city: $1,500/ $2,000 outside

Following unanimous approval by the Laurel Hill City Council, the city’s water fees will increase effective :


Inside city limits:

First 2,000 gals: $13.50 (minimum bill)

Over 2,000 gals: $3.75 per thousand gals.

Outside city limits:

First 2,000 gals: $18 (minimum bill)

Over 2,000 gals: $4.25 per thousand gals.

Water meter deposit: $50

Connection charge*: $500 in city/$600 outside

Impact fees: Residential in city: $500/ $700 outside

Commercial in city: $1,000/$1,500 outside


Inside city limits:

First 2,000 gals: $14.50 (minimum bill)

2,001-5,999 gals: $3.75/thousand gals.

6,000-8,999 gals: $4.20/thousand gals.

9,000-11,999 gals: $4.65/thousand gals

12,000-14,999 gals: $5.12/thousand gals.

15,000+ gals: $5.55/thousand gals.

Outside city limits:

First 2,000 gals: $19 (minimum bill)

2,001-5,999 gals: $4.25/thousand gals.

6,000-8,999 gals: $4.70/thousand gals.

9,000-11,999 gals: $5.15/thousand gals

12,000-14,999 gals: $5.60/thousand gals.

15,000+ gals: $6.05/thousand gals.

Water meter deposit: $50 homeowner/ $75 renter

Connection charge*: $800 in city/$1,000 outside

Impact fees: Residential in city: $800/ $1,000 outside

Commercial in city: $1,500/ $2,000 outside


This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Laurel Hill water rates could increase under proposal