Antioch girls see historic photo of their father

Aubrey and Ava Smith, from left, recently viewed this photo of their father from 20 years ago. Allen Smith was alongside Rodney Walker, Walter Gordon and Ann Teel-Hatcher assisting with Antioch Elementary School’s ribbon cutting ceremony. (Special to the News Bulletin)

CRESTVIEW — Antioch Elementary School teacher Alice Thomas recently discovered some old photos in storage and shared them with  some girls who could particularly appreciate them.

The photo showed Allen Smith alongside Rodney Walker, Walter Gordon and Ann Teel-Hatcher assisting with Antioch Elementary School’s ribbon cutting ceremony 20 years ago.

“When we discovered those old pictures in storage, I recognized Allen and I have Aubrey in my homeroom,” Thomas said in an email to the News Bulletin. “It is a wonderful coincidence.”

Aubrey and Ava Smith recently viewed the photo of their father, now Staff Sgt. David Allen Smith.

He is currently in the U.S. Air Force, and is still "navigating beyond his horizon,” a school spokesperson said, paraphrasing Antioch’s slogan.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Antioch girls see historic photo of their father