Let's make time for what's important

Mark Broadhead (FILE PHOTO | News Bulletin)

When King Solomon wrote the book of Ecclesiastes, he was in the twilight of his years. He was reflecting on numerous aspects of his life and humanity in general.

He repeated numerous times a sentiment in which he encourages us to enjoy everything in life because everything we have has come from God.

In "The Message" by Eugene Peterson, Ecclesiastes 9:7 says, “Seize life! Eat bread with gusto, drink wine with a robust heart. Oh yes, God takes pleasure in your pleasure!” Eat each meal as though it were a feast.

That may be kind of hard to do these days. As people run from one event to the next, they grab a fast hamburger or taco, or some other fast food. What kind of a feast is that? Well, it’s a bunch of empty calories, actually.

But that is not the kind of feast Solomon is getting at. We have lost the practice of daepnon — a relaxed meal in which people enjoy each other’s company. Most people don’t do that anymore. They don’t have the time.

 Actually, that’s not true. People have the time — they simply choose to not make the time. People are busier now than they have ever been in the course of history. It is rare that families sit at the same table for a relaxed meal together. A busy schedule is blamed for it.

Well, may I call a spade a spade here? Who has control over your time and energy? Who has control over your calendar and your commitments?

You do!

When children are young, who has a great deal of influence over their activities and schedules? Parents do!

Are you forced to be as busy as you are?

No. In all things, you have a choice.

If you choose to not spend good quality time with family and friends, don’t blame your busy schedule. It is your choice. If you are exhausted because of all your running around, don’t blame circumstances. It is your choice.

God wants us to enjoy this life he has given us. We can’t do that if we are rushing from one event to the next. We can’t enjoy the people in our lives when we act like ships passing in the night. We can’t marvel at the wonder of creation when we streak through nature at 90 miles per hour.

God gave us life to enjoy. What will you do to enjoy the gift he has given to you?

The Rev. Mark Broadhead is pastor at Laurel Hill Presbyterian Church and First Presbyterian Church of Crestview.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Let's make time for what's important