Clinton nor Trump would be enough to move 2016 America

(Special to the Press Gazette)

Dear editor,

When the 2016 presidential election is over, all of us want the political system to work for America and Americans. 

This means that America’s critical needs must make it to the floor of the Senate and the House and be debated and resolved. There has to be some kind of vote on every issue, and the public needs to be able to respond to the direction of the vote.

Two parties have proved that this type of result is not currently happening and the current system is actually proving to be slowly shutting down, ultimately reaching stagnation. 


Because the two-party system has emerged as a ‘blame game’ system in an instant gratification society. We have reached the place that nobody can be right; rather, they can only be flawed.

The technology of 2016 has allowed instant access to what people say, tweet and almost think (and nobody knows how to interpret the ‘spins’ on the purported newscasts that result).

So we need to give serious thought to what gave rise to someone like a Donald Trump. He basically is an attack dog on both parties (which is needed) but has emerged as a loose cannon and self-touted god-like replacement who will show all of us (Republicans, Democrats or Independents) how America can be run better under his unique autocracy (which is not needed).

I think he proved (to me) that we need a new party in America. I’d call it the Catalysis Party, which might live up to its name. Unlike being Independent (which means you don’t want to pledge allegiance to any party directly) you’d rather vote for the best candidate of any party.

The Catalysis Party would not have its own platform; it would be a party to ensure that the Democratic Party or the Republican Party gets the job done. This new party would have equal ability to run for office and obtain seats in the House and Senate.

Of course, if they won all the seats, then they would need their own platform.



This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Clinton nor Trump would be enough to move 2016 America