CHS cross country runners head to regional meet

Crestview High School’s girls cross country team qualified for the regional meet by placing third in the District 3A meet. Two of the six girls placed in the Top 15. Jaclyn Bramlette placed eighth with 19:56. Ragan Gates placed ninth with a personal record of 20:00. James Webb qualified for the regional meet as an individual by placing 11th with a PR time of 17:09. Lauren Jackson coaches the girls’ team; Charles Tingle coaches the boys’ team. “I ran for CHS myself so it is such a great feeling to be able to come back as a coach,” Jackson said. “These athletes have been working towards this goal since June. I am extremely proud of all of our runners. We have had so many athletes improve their PR this year!” The girls team consists of Chelsea Aguilar, Jaclyn Bramlette, Leona Walton, Ragan Gates, Taina Sanchez, Elizabeth Everett and Monthita Rasee. The regional meet will be Oct. 29 at Santa Fe College in Gainesville. (CHRIS MOORE | Special to the News Bulletin)

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: CHS cross country runners head to regional meet