Election rioting: Have we lost our self-control?

Janice Crose

Another election season is over and, no matter which candidate you backed, I know there is one thing we can all agree upon, and that is this: Thank goodness all those political ads and phone calls are over! Finally, my telephone is silent.

I am saddened by some of the reactions in urban areas of our country, and so thankful that I live in Crestview. How does the destruction of property change the outcome of the election? It inconveniences the residents, who no longer have that store available in which to shop; it causes insurance rates to soar; and it hurts the finances of the store owner, but doesn't change the election.

My heart weeps at this violence, and I am sure that the Lord is saddened.

As far as I can recall, the past four presidential elections didn't see destruction and rioting. Even during the 2000 election, which was contested, I don't remember any rioting.

When John Kerry lost in 2004, John McCain in 2008 and Mitt Romney in 2012, there was no violence, so why now? Has our society become more violent or are we just more accepting of bad behavior?

It appears that we have lost our self-control.

What can we, as people of faith, do?

First, we can pray for our country and her leaders, both outgoing and incoming, that the Lord gives them wisdom and discernment; that there will be a serene transition of leadership.

Second, we can pray that peace and calm will come to our great nation, that we will come together as a country and work for the common good of all citizens.

Third, we can be kind to one another, and work toward reconciliation. To be reconciled, according to Webster's 1828 dictionary, means "to call back into union and friendship the affections which have been alienated."

Fourth, we need to pray that the Lord heals the hearts of those who are hurting and restores tranquility to our land. The Lord hears our prayers and He is gracious and answers them.

Certainly, these are worthwhile goals for our community and our country.

Janice Lynn Crose, a former accountant, lives in Crestview with her husband, Jim; her two rescue collies, Shane and Jasmine; and two cats, Kathryn and Prince Valiant.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Election rioting: Have we lost our self-control?